Friday 27 January 2012


material required
1.tongsten wire or nichrome wire
2.cell or battery
3.some wire
5.some thumb pin or a pin
6.base of mud or clay
To build a room heater take pins and fit five pin i one side and another five at other side of the square base of mud of clay. conect the pins of one side with each other and same with other side.  fit tongston or nichrome wire on one pin of one side and another pin to another side. do same with other  pines.conect one wire of one side one pin.and same with other side. conect two wires to the cell.conect one wire of cell and the pine wire to the off switch.conect the other two wire with each other. the heater is ready.if you will switch on the heater after some second you will feel some heat. try it and keep it away from the childrens .explore some new things.

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